Join for an exciting bicycle tour
through Senegal and Gambia, every year in winter, November – February
Tanzania/ Kilimanjaro in July/ August,
Madagascar in September and November
Ethiopia in April and October – November
Burkina Faso in December – January
Benin in August and December – January
Uganda, all months
Malawi in May – July
Afrika-erleben, the African Bike Experience – Cycling tours in Africa all year round
Michael Franke, working on African development issues, visited more than 25 African countries and did bicycle tours in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Senegal and Gambia, Burkina Faso, Benin, Cameroon, Madagascar, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Rwanda …
Several times a year he will lead a bicycle tour in one of the mentioned countries. You may join us! Although Michael speaks fluently English, French and Wolof (he wrote a phrasebook on how to speak Wolof), the „official“ tour language will be German.
See further information about forthcoming tours in
Burkina Faso
Uganda (informations in German)